Chigwell Ringing Centre
The Chigwell Ringing Centre is based at the picturesque church of St Mary, Chigwell - a Grade II listed building.
The Centre was set up by the Essex Association of Change Ringers using a grant from Essex County Council’s Arts in Essex Small Grants Scheme. It ran its first course in November 2011, and the Centre now hosts workshops and short courses. The Centre has plenty of space for larger groups and more formal lectures.
Ringing simulator
Although we ring on ‘open’ bells for Sunday services, general practices, quarter peals and weddings, most of our training sessions take place using our ringing simulator: the clappers in the bells above are heavily muffled, so that they make hardly any noise whilst the bell revolves. Instead a sensor on the bell wheel triggers the simulated sound of the bell through speakers above the ground floor ringing area. The use of a simulator means that we can hold practices and teaching sessions at virtually any time without disturbing the neighbours. The simulator can also supply a perfectly-struck, 'virtual band' to support a ringer wanting to practise advanced methods on their own, on stages up to 12 bells (and beyond).

Chigwell Bells
The distinctive wooden tower of St Mary's church houses six bells (8cwt in G), which are a delight to ring.
Dove's Guide has a page of detailed information about the Chigwell bells.
Chigwell Ringers
Thursday night at 8pm is the regular weekly practice for the Chigwell band. Visiting ringers and newcomers are always welcome. For more information about the Thursday evening practice, please contact the Chigwell Tower Captain, Will Worth (see the Contact Us page).